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sabato 22 settembre 2012

D-Day (first part)

La prima spiaggia che visitiamo è Longues-sur-mer, parte integrante del vallo atlantico nazista, le imponenti casematte e i cannoni da 150 mm posizionati sulla sua costa, furono progettati per colpire bersagli a circa 20 km di distanza.
A distanza di quasi settant'anni, questi enormi pezzi di artiglieria, uniche armi di grosso calibro rimaste in Normandia, sono ancora al loro posto negli alloggiamenti di cemento. 
Un posto inquietante in un paesaggio idilliaco fatto di campi di grano splendente, papaveri e fiorellini bianchi.

The first beach we visited was Longues-sur-mer, part of the Atlantic wall, the Casemates and the 150 mm guns positioned on its coast, were designed to hit targets at about 20 km away.
Almost seventy years, these large artillery pieces, unique high-caliber weapons remain in Normandy, are still in place in the slots. 
A disturbing place in an idyllic landscape made of shining wheat fields, poppies and white small flowers.

Follow me also on Instagram @ hipandchips

11 commenti:

  1. So very impressive. Imagine all those men landing there years ago to fight for Europe's freedom.

    Great photo's!


  2. bellissime foto!!!!Come stai Selene?Ti sei trasferita già a Dubai!A me è piaciuta molto!Mi sono divertita un sacco!!!presto alcuni post!:)

  3. Amazing pics ! Such beautiful colors !!!! Incredible landscapes full of history that seem so peacefull now...

  4. adoro quando il verde arriva quasi sulla riva del mare... e quel mare... bellissime foto cara Selena!!

  5. really wanna took a picture there...


  6. I don't know where you are, or what you are saying, or really anything--other than you're precious! Love your outfit and blog!

  7. These photographs are absolutely stunning!!!!
    xo TJ

  8. Hey girl! Thanks for passing by my blog! I love yours! You have amazing pictures!
    Now following you! Hope you can follow me as well!


  9. these photographs are so inspiring! i would love to visit these beaches, explore the crevices of history.

  10. Beautiful photos. I remember visiting the Normandy beaches several years ago - as you say it's a beautiful landscape with pretty poppies and difficult to imagine how it must have been all those years ago.


Thank you for your comments. I read every single one of them!


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